Dear reader we have a question for you, “Can you position yourself with God?” Or perhaps another question you might ask is, “How do you position yourself with God?” A response to these questions can be found in the Holy Bible, which is the primary book that God uses to speak to all mankind. It all starts with the Position of Jesus in your life. Some have never heard of Jesus and some have heard of Jesus but know nothing of who He is. Still others believed Jesus died on a Cross at Calvary but as a good man or a prophet. However true Christians believe that Jesus perfected the ultimate sacrifice when He gave His sinless life for us as the Son of God upon the earth. You can never position yourself with God unless you allow Jesus to position Himself in your heart. If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior then you have taken the first steps in rightly positioning yourself with God. I wish I could tell you that everyone has an equal opportunity to accept Jesus into their heart but the truth is they do not. This is because many people are in such thick darkness that the gospel has not been presented to them from a heart of Love. In certain cultures it is strictly forbidden (illegal) to even speak the name of Jesus. In a believer the position of Jesus in your heart is what makes Him your Savior and Lord. Having His Joy and Peace in your heart is what gives you the firm confidence that you are in the proper position God. This Joy and Peace should come into your heart because your spiritual position after accepting Jesus as your Lord will immediately change your position in the Kingdom of God. Jesus came down to your earthly position first to elevate you up to His Heavenly Position with the Father God. According to Ephesians 2:6 God has raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. We must acknowledge our place in Christ by believing and speaking God’s Word to experience this Joy and Peace in Christ Jesus our Savior. However doing this first is what leads us into God’s Presence Spiritually (GPS - 2) which we speak about in the next lesson (God’s Spill). We have answered the first question of, “Can you position yourself with God?” with the emphatic response of “Yes”. The second question of, “How do you position yourself with God?” was revealed by the answer of accepting Jesus into your heart by the out ward confession of Jesus as your Lord according to Romans 10:9-13. This obedience to God’s plan of Salvation immediately places you into God’s Positioning System because you are properly positioned in Christ Jesus, the Lord of lords and the Great King of kings. Amen!

Next week we will discuss the second level of GPS – 2 which is God’s Presence Spiritually.